Publication Metrics

For a complete list of my papers, see the Publications page. There are also numerous sites that for one reason or another, try to track my research efforts. Some of these gives almost full control of the data, some only lets us fix typos, others give no control. Use them at your own risk :)

The big guys

  • Google Scholar: the most complete database at the time of writing.
  • Microsoft Academic Search: a bit slow to crowl for articles (my 2012 papers are not yet in their database ... and it is 2014), uses Sirverlight to make our life hard, but not bad overall. You can also check my Erdős number at this page. For the record: it is 4 (Csaba Kiraly - Imrich Chlamtac - Aura Ganz - Israel Koren - Paul Erdos).
  • Scopus: considered by many (including some administrations) to be the most reliable source of bibliography.
  • ORCID: the wannabe unified database.
  • DBLP: once a good database, but the interface and crawling became outdated as years passed.
  • ResearcherID: soon to become Publons.
  • Publons: The new database from the Web of Science.


  • BUTE: my publications listed at my old University. Supposed to be a complete list ... when I find the time to manually update it.
  • UGOV: a very limited list based on data entered in the UNITN system.
  • ePrints: a UNITN service listing some of my Technical Reports.

Publishers also have their own databases